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Welcome to the Stampe Club.
We are a very active club for members run by members. Currently the club has members in 12 countries. Many of us are in the UK and Europe, and the rest worldwide. The club publishes a newsletter every quarter and provides a very useful link for spares. We also publish news and events through the newsletter and this website. The Stampe Club Forum is an invaluable resource where Stampe enthusiasts can help each other with advice, experiences, sales & wanted items and supplier information. The Stampe Club also acts as a central point for coordination of more formal matters between members and international organisations responsible for licensing and flight safety. The club is open to all Stampe Owners around the world and anyone who wants to be part of the Stampe community. You can join the Stampe Club HERE.
EVENTS ON THE HORIZONFor all event information visit the EVENTS & NEWS pages of this website or see the current Stampe Club Newsletter
There are no more public events planned for 2023. Watch this space for 2024 Stampe Club events.
Having Fun at the Stampe Club International Fly-In 2022!
NEw 'STAMPE LIFE' AREAStampe Life is a photo based page of the Stampe Club Website. We will publish your pictures here. Please send them in via the CONTACTSTAMPE LIFE page. The idea is to promote the fun, community, friendship living with Stampe Aircraft. Visit 'Stampe Life' here.
The Quarterly Magazine for members of the Stampe Club. Join Here
The Stampe Smile!
Where it all startedA brief history of the Stampe Club
The Stampe Club was formed when Roger Hanington (now an Honorary member) ‘rounded up’ Martin Holloway, Mike Cowburn; and Frank and Joanna Esson on the 14 January 1984. This was the first meeting of the Stampe Club! The first Stampe Club Fly-in was held on 20 May 1984 at Compton Abbas in quite unfavourable weather conditions. Only five Stampes arrived. However, the next event was at Middle Wallop on 2 September 1984 when Mike Cowburn led a four ship formation which was followed by Brian Lecomber who gave an aerobatic display in his Jaguar sponsored Stampe. From this modest start, the Stampe Club has developed into what is now a truly international Club of Stampe owners and enthusiasts, representing twelve different countries. Stampe Club 2022 Fly-in VideoThis small video shows some of the 29 aircraft that attended the International Stampe Club Fly-In 2022.